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Martial Art and an Oplympic Sport

History and Development

Taekwondo is a martial art and, more recently, Sport that originated in Korea and has taken the world by a storm. While it was formalized and thus named only after the second world war, its roots can be traced to a much older traditional korean martial arts of Taekkyeon and Gwonbeop. The style has also been heavily influenced by Chinese martial arts and Okinawan karate. Since many of the founders of modern Taekwondo were also trained in Shotokan Karate, many of the techniques and forms are derived from the latter. Today, Taekwondo is an olympic sport practiced by millions in over a hundred countries worldwide.


The essential philosophy of Taekwondo is based on the five commandments of Hwarang (an elite group of youth in ancient Korea)

  1. Loyalty to one's lord (or country, in today's world)
  2. Love and respect for one's parents and teachers
  3. Trust among friends
  4. Never retreat in battle
  5. Never take a life without a just cause
One of the central goals of the practice of Taekwondo as recognized by World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) is the development of a peaceful society through adoption of the Hwarang spirit, recognition of unity among oposites as embodied by the philosophy of taegeuk (yin-yang), and harmonious interaction of Man, Earth and Heavens as symbolized by the sam taegeuk.

Taekwondo at AATMA

AATMA is affiliated to World Taekwondo Headquarters at Kukkiwon (Korea) through India Dojang Sports Organization (IDSO) led by master Praban Saikia who has been the national champion for several years and has made a mark in international tournaments as well. AATMA's chief instructor Master K Raghunathan holds a second Dan black belt in Taekwondo from Kukkiwon.

Ranks and Grading

At AATMA, we follow the WTF system of ranking composing of geups (color belt levels) and dans (black belt levels). Students join at white belt (10th geup) and work their way through white-yellow (9th geup), yellow (8th geup), yellow-green (7th geup), green (6th geup), green-blue (5th geup), blue (4th geup), blue-red (3rd geup), red(2nd geup) and red-black (1st geup) to first Dan black belt. Clearing each belt level requires completion of a prescribed syllabus followed by successful grading. All coloured belts will be issued by IDSO, and black belts will be awarded by Kukkiwon.

World Taekwondo Federation logo Kukkiwon Logo Taekwondo an Olympic Sport