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Union with the Supreme Self

Yoga - the path to holistic well-being

Being perhaps the oldest and most comprehensive practice for balanced development of body, mind and spirit, Yoga is one of the most valuable among Indian contribution to the world. Modern practice of Yoga includes physical exercises for improving flexibility and organ functions, and techniques for breath control and meditation that are conducive to health and well-being.

Though Yoga has been around for centuries, recent scientific evidences for the physiological and psychological benefits of Yoga has resulted in a renewed interest in Yoga in both India and abroad.

Hatha Yoga

This is the branch of Yoga which, through a system of physical techniques, prepares the body for the practicing the spiritual exercises in Yoga in addition to improving health. These include asanas (postures) which help improving the function of internal organs, achieving greater flexibility, purifying blood stream and increasing oxygen supply to bodily cells, and increase energy level in the body.


Pranayama refers to techniques designed to achieve greater control over life force (prana), primarily through regulation of breath. These techniques help to overcome stress and maintain a calm state of mind, reduce fatigue and improve the capacity to enjoy life.


Along with physical exercises of Yoga, classes are given on meditation techniques which increase concentration, and allow the practitioner to progress spiritually.

Yoga Therapy

At AATMA, we also provide personalized sessions to help you overcome specific ailments through the practice of Yoga. These ailments include sinusitis, neck and back ache, lifestyle disorders such as obesity.